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Translation not working in other than russian system locale

программа для загрузки и просмотра спутниковых снимков Земли, Луны, Марса предоставленных сервисами Google Maps и Космоснимки. Возможность работы с GPS приёмником.

Модератор: Tolik

Translation not working in other than russian system locale

Сообщение pugz » 07 ноя 2010, 02:51

There is problem with implementation of locale switching (SAS.Планета 101103), it is working correcly only if system locale is russian, because text's IDs are in russian too.
After switching to other system locale than russian, SAS.Планета displaying some texts correctly but most of then not.
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Зарегистрирован: 06 ноя 2010, 23:20
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Re: Translation not working in other than russian system locale

Сообщение pugz » 07 ноя 2010, 02:56

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Re: Translation not working in other than russian system locale

Сообщение Parasite » 07 ноя 2010, 09:11

pugz писал(а):There is problem with implementation of locale switching (SAS.Планета 101103), it is working correcly only if system locale is russian, because text's IDs are in russian too.
After switching to other system locale than russian, SAS.Планета displaying some texts correctly but most of then not.

Is that occur while the SAS's language set to RUSSIAN or ENGLISH?
See attached.
The only difference between me and a mad man is that I am not mad. /Salvador Dali/
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Re: Translation not working in other than russian system locale

Сообщение pugz » 08 ноя 2010, 02:34

It occurs for both no matter which language I choose,
but in English some texts are correct (whole status bar, maps titles, and values in combo boxes):

your screenshot is from 100707 version, which have other method of text translation (via SASPlanet.EN I think) and it works,
I have problem with new one 101103, which is using .MO and .PO files

All text are correct, only if I set system locale to Russian and restart system (tested on XP & w7, )

experiment: when I use MS AppLocale tool to emulate Russian locale, all text on main screen are corect but dialogs are still corrupted, but it is very old tool:

to reproduce problem, set system locale for non-unicode application to English US for example, restart and run SAS Planet 101103
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Зарегистрирован: 06 ноя 2010, 23:20
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Re: Translation not working in other than russian system locale

Сообщение Parasite » 08 ноя 2010, 14:19

pugz писал(а):your screenshot is from 100707 version, which have other method of text translation (via SASPlanet.EN I think) and it works, I have problem with new one 101103, which is using .MO and .PO files

Yep, I know. Im the one who'd translated that. :)

pugz писал(а):to reproduce problem, set system locale for non-unicode application to English US for example, restart and run SAS Planet 101103

To tell u the truth: currently the multi-language mechanism is in developing stage, and should be considered as BETA (if not ALFA, IMO...). The progress is slowly rolling forward, but yet far from smooth working. The only developer is cutting himself into pieces trying to fix all the issues in time.

Your bug is expected (we just awaited for someone to test it on "fully non-russian" OSes) and thus confirmed now. I've created a ticket on our bugtraker, so stay tuned. That will be fixed, sooner or later... :lol:
The only difference between me and a mad man is that I am not mad. /Salvador Dali/
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Зарегистрирован: 23 окт 2008, 17:38
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Re: Translation not working in other than russian system locale

Сообщение bogi » 22 ноя 2010, 20:46

I have also interest on well functional English GUI. I still use 100707.
Here are people using SASPlanet in English:,1687.0.html

I have one wish. Your readme.txt and help file is not readable using English or for example Slovak locale. Examples are attached.
I converted some time ago the readme file as well as the help file in unicode and made it available for others using a web page: ... nicode.htm ... p_rus.html
But the conversion is not so easy process. It would be very helpful for us if you provide readme and help in unicode. It would be easiest, if the actual readme and help files could be displayed on your web page. One can then use Google Translate to see it in other language.

SASPlanet is fantastic application, thanks to all who are working on it!
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Зарегистрирован: 10 сен 2010, 00:06
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Re: Translation not working in other than russian system locale

Сообщение Parasite » 22 ноя 2010, 21:28

bogi писал(а):I have one wish. Your readme.txt and help file is not readable using English or for example Slovak locale. Examples are attached.

TXT: You may try to open that using IE or something likewise, and change the current codepage to "Cyrillic\Windows" (so-called "Windows-1251"). That should be displayed properly. See attachment.
CHM: maybe some extra steps will be needed to reconstruct those pages. :roll:

PS: anyway, nothing new is there. They are also a bit outdated. The real fun\Q&A\discussions are living here, on the forum. :)
The only difference between me and a mad man is that I am not mad. /Salvador Dali/
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Зарегистрирован: 23 окт 2008, 17:38
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Re: Translation not working in other than russian system locale

Сообщение bogi » 25 ноя 2010, 19:41

Thanks, your hint with setting the code page in a web browser worked both in Firefox and IE. That's good solution for the readme file.

For help.chm file I found a solution too. It's possible to extract it using 7zip. After extraction I got following files:
Код: Выделить всё
2008-04-23  12:45             4,096 #IDXHDR
2008-04-23  12:45                 0 #ITBITS
2008-04-23  12:45               116 #IVB
2008-04-23  12:45               595 #STRINGS
2008-04-23  12:45             4,241 #SYSTEM
2008-04-23  12:45               256 #TOPICS
2008-04-23  12:45               339 #URLSTR
2008-04-23  12:45               192 #URLTBL
2008-04-23  12:45               392 #WINDOWS
2008-04-23  12:45            22,580 $FIftiMain
2008-04-23  12:45             2,715 $OBJINST
2010-11-25  13:02    <DIR>          $WWKeywordLinks
2008-04-23  12:45               881 bd_browse_btn.gif
2008-04-23  12:45               878 fd_browse_btn.gif
2008-04-23  12:45            42,150 main.jpg
2008-04-23  12:45             3,510 mapzap.bmp
2008-04-23  12:45           317,814 operation.bmp
2008-04-23  12:45                 0 popuptopics.txt
2008-04-23  12:45             5,526 rect.bmp
2008-04-23  12:45           317,814 scleit.bmp
2008-04-23  12:45                 0 styles.css
2008-04-23  12:45             3,287 Topic10.htm
2008-04-23  12:45               803 Topic140.htm
2008-04-23  12:45             2,597 Topic150.htm
2008-04-23  12:45               771 Topic160.htm
2008-04-23  12:45               824 Topic170.htm
2008-04-23  12:45             1,218 Topic180.htm
2008-04-23  12:45             1,103 Topic190.htm
2008-04-23  12:45             2,030 Topic200.htm
2008-04-23  12:45             9,112 Topic210.htm
2008-04-23  12:45             5,947 Topic220.htm
2008-04-23  12:45             2,918 Topic230.htm
2008-04-23  12:45             1,299 Topic240.htm
2008-04-23  12:45             1,431 Topic250.htm
2008-04-23  12:45             2,021 Topic260.htm
2008-04-23  12:45             3,126 zoom+.bmp
2008-04-23  12:45             3,126 zoom-.bmp
2008-04-23  12:45             3,126 zoom_num.bmp
2008-04-23  12:45             2,481 _hccontents.hhc
2008-04-23  12:45             2,090 _hcindex.hhk
2008-04-23  12:45            48,270 ?????? ????????.bmp

Then I merged all Topic*.htm files into one file Topic.htm:
Код: Выделить всё
D:\mapy\APPS\SAS.Planet100707\Help>copy Topic*.htm Topic.htm
        1 file(s) copied.

I opened Topic.htm in a web browser. After setting the codepage to 1251 the complete help content was correctly displayed.
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Зарегистрирован: 10 сен 2010, 00:06
Откуда: Bratislava
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