Комбинация каналов G, R и I.
превью, увеличение по клику до "экранного" размера:

Ссылка на полный размер (19172x20274 пикселя, JPEG2000-lossless, 841 Мб):
Исходные данные: взяты отсюда
Обработка: Victor Matveev
This image based on observations obtained with MegaPrime/MegaCam, a joint project of CFHT and CEA/DAPNIA, at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) which is operated by the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada, the Institut National des Science de l'Univers of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) of France, and the University of Hawaii. This work is based in part on data products produced at the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre as part of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey, a collaborative project of NRC and CNRS.