Похоже, что сервис yournavigation.org приказал долго жить:
Someone wrote
I'm sponsoring the http://www.yournavigation.org/ server for some years now, and try to maintain the operation by installing security patches and blocking IPs that exceed the rate limits, since I've lost contact to Lambertus. As both, the OSM data (2014-09-02) and the Gosmore source code (2011-02-21) are quite outdated, and as there are actively developed alternatives like http://project-osrm.org/ I decided do take down the server next month on 2021-02-01.
If you want to take over the server (about 42 Euros + VAT), feel free to get in touch with me. Otherwise let's say goodbye to yournavigation.org.
Так что, пользуйтесь другими сервисами для прокладки маршрутов, благо в крайнем релизе как раз было добавлено ещё 2 альтернативных сервиса. |