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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002479SAS.Планета[All Projects] Багpublic14-08-2014 14:3624-10-2014 11:36
Assigned Tozed 
Platformx64 HP Z400 workstationOSWindows 7OS Versionwindows 7 pro
Product Version140505 
Target Version141111Fixed in Version141111 
Summary0002479: World file (*.w) not following proper format, exponents need changed to whole decimal number
DescriptionPNG example of a PGW that is formatted according to the PGW standard.
(once the negative exponents are removed and a valid decimal without exponent is used, the PGW will be correct to follow the standard).

What actually exports from SASPlanet (incorrect, not following the official PGW standard). These output files will not work in many GIS applications without correcting this issue:
Steps To Reproducechoose visible area, download tiles at z16, used mapnik open streetmap, start. go back and choose stitch, output format PNG, used mapnik open streetmap, no overlay, projection EPSG:4326, zoom 16, create georeferencing file .kml and .w short ext., split image horizontal = 1 and vertical = 1, start.
Additional InformationI have not tried this with JPG, BMP, ECW, jp2, or kmz yet.
TagsNo tags attached.
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-  Notes
thescientist (reporter)
14-08-2014 15:12

Please re-categorize this issue under project SAS planet, version 140505.8037 stable.
thescientist (reporter)
14-08-2014 15:13

also please note a larger library is available for imagery formats at free image.
zed (manager)
14-08-2014 19:23

> exponents need changed to whole decimal number
I set 16 fixed digits after the decimal point. This will be enough, to fix issue? Test changes in today's Nightly build.
zed (manager)
21-08-2014 19:51

Я таки дождусь ответа от кого-нить или нет?

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Total Views 3315
Last View 31-03-2025 22:15

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
14-08-2014 14:36 thescientist New Issue
14-08-2014 15:12 thescientist Note Added: 0014538
14-08-2014 15:13 thescientist Note Added: 0014539
14-08-2014 16:44 zed Project SACS.Планета => SAS.Планета
14-08-2014 16:45 zed Category Хотелка => Баг
14-08-2014 16:45 zed Product Version => 140505
14-08-2014 16:46 zed Summary PNG PGW file not following proper format, exponents need changed to whole decimal number => World file (*.w) not following proper format, exponents need changed to whole decimal number
14-08-2014 19:23 zed Note Added: 0014542
14-08-2014 19:24 zed Assigned To => zed
14-08-2014 19:24 zed Status new => feedback
21-08-2014 19:51 zed Note Added: 0014598
04-09-2014 18:25 vdemidov Status feedback => resolved
04-09-2014 18:25 vdemidov Fixed in Version => 141111
04-09-2014 18:25 vdemidov Resolution open => fixed
24-10-2014 11:36 vdemidov Target Version => 141111

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