Веб-картография и навигация

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002572SAS.Планета[All Projects] Багpublic10-12-2014 20:0710-12-2014 20:48
Assigned Tozed 
PrioritylowSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
StatusclosedResolutionnot fixable 
PlatformWindowsOS7OS VersionProfessional
Product Version140505 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002572: Неправильная граница часового пояса
DescriptionЧасовой пояс в Финском заливе над водой отличается от времени на суше
Steps To ReproduceПример: Наводим курсор на питер - одно время, наводим на Финский залив, там другая часовая зона
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-  Notes
zed (manager)
10-12-2014 20:47

Timezones at sea

The tz database says: “A ship within the territorial waters of any nation uses that nation's time. In international waters, time zone boundaries are meridians 15° apart, except that UTC−12 and UTC+12 are each 7.5° wide and are separated by the 180° meridian (not by the International Date Line, which is for land and territorial waters only). A captain can change ship's clocks any time after entering a new time zone; midnight changes are common.”

While the boundaries in international waters are not difficult to construct, the boundaries of territorial waters are a completely different story, and are similar to the boundaries between countries. Unfortunately, VMAP0 does not provide geometries for the territorial waters. As a consequence, the shapefiles presented here do not cover seas and oceans.

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Last View 31-03-2025 22:08

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
10-12-2014 20:07 Helpmister New Issue
10-12-2014 20:47 zed Note Added: 0015036
10-12-2014 20:48 zed Status new => closed
10-12-2014 20:48 zed Assigned To => zed
10-12-2014 20:48 zed Resolution open => not fixable

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