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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003276SAS.Планета[All Projects] Багpublic19-09-2017 07:0123-10-2017 20:06
Assigned Tozed 
StatusclosedResolutionunable to reproduce 
PlatformWindowsOSOS Version10
Product Version160707 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0003276: Floating point errors
DescriptionI think this may have something to do with the GPS? I have a Garmin GPS18x USB.

The application is unusable.
Steps To ReproduceConnect GPS to application. Play around a bit. It sometimes happens almost immediately after connecting, sometimes it takes a little while.
Additional InformationPlease see this video. The crash is at the end.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files? file icon SASPlanet.NonUnicode.Debug.elf [^] (185,856 bytes) 15-10-2017 11:09
? file icon GpsInfo.ini [^] (65 bytes) 15-10-2017 11:11
png file icon floating point error.png [^] (4,363,376 bytes) 15-10-2017 11:25
? file icon SASPlanet.3276.elf [^] (75,185 bytes) 15-10-2017 12:22

- Relationships

-  Notes
vdemidov (manager)
19-09-2017 07:15

Please, try latest nightly version. And use Debug version for reproduce this bug. After crash attach *.elf file.
dzwager (reporter)
21-09-2017 08:27

I switched to nightly, downloaded a 7z file. I opened it but cannot figure out what to do with the contents. Please explain.
vdemidov (manager)
21-09-2017 10:41

Save all files with replacement to SAS folder and run SASPlanet.Debug.exe
dzwager (reporter)
21-09-2017 13:23

I extracted the files an copied all to the SAS folder. After that nothing worked anymore.

I then tried to uninstall the software but couldn't find it in the list of programs to uninstall. So then I deleted the SAS folder.

I will now try to reinstall.

Sorry I haven't used Windows since 2007. I bought a Windows computer especially for your SAS planet software but this Windows 10 is, well, impossible to use.
dzwager (reporter)
15-10-2017 06:46

When I copy the nightly files to the SASPlanet folder then (1) SASPlanet will not run anymore and (2) the debug.exe also does not run.

When I try to execute any of the exe files in only the nightly file folder then nothing happens.

In both cases I get a message "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable"

So now SASPlanet still does not support my Garmin GPS18x USB.

Also the Google and Bing satellite images are not displayed properly (very very low resolution only).
zed (manager)
15-10-2017 10:01

Create new empty folder and use 7zip to unpack archive to it. Then run SASPlanet.NonUnicode.Debug.exe, reproduce error, close SAS, find SASPlanet.NonUnicode.Debug.elf file with error log and attach it to this issue.
dzwager (reporter)
15-10-2017 11:11

Thanks the debug file actually runs without the problems I described.

However I did notice the following problems:

1. The GPS positions me about 60 m south of where I really am on the Google sat image.

2. The GPS speed shows unrealistically high values.
dzwager (reporter)
15-10-2017 11:26

In the regular SASPlanet app I just updated the google version number to 745. But I am right away again getting the floating point errors.

zed (manager)
15-10-2017 11:37

What about time? It shows correct value?
dzwager (reporter)
15-10-2017 11:49

The debug version shows a local time anywhere between 03:08 and 03:45

The "stable" version shows similar local time.

For both the UTC time shown is 20:08 - 20:45

The local time here (Jakarta) is 18:45

(Sorry my computer clock was set to Singapore before, 1 hour later. I just fixed that)
zed (manager)
15-10-2017 11:52
edited on: 15-10-2017 11:52

Try this exe: It should print more information about error.

Put SASPlanet.3276.exe to folder with nightly build and run. Log will be named as SASPlanet.3276.elf.

dzwager (reporter)
15-10-2017 12:23

This showed same behaviour as the debug version.

UTC time varied between 20:49 and 21:24

Local time varied between 03:49 and 04:24

Actual local time is 19:23
zed (manager)
15-10-2017 12:34

I don't see error in attached log. Do you reproduce it? Can you take screenshot with error message?
dzwager (reporter)
17-10-2017 12:04

Correct, the debug version shows no floating point errors but the "stable" version does.

The debug version does show an incorrect local and UTC time, even though the GPS pinned my location correctly.
zed (manager)
17-10-2017 19:27
edited on: 17-10-2017 19:32

Your first log (SASPlanet.NonUnicode.Debug.elf) has error:

EConvertError: 14722840.71 Julian cannot be represented as a DateTime.

Try to reproduce this error with SASPlanet.3276.exe. I need to know, why this error happened. It maybe because of invalid time value or bug in SunCalc library.

And forget about the "stable" version. It's outdated. Use latest nightly build - it's more stable then last release. If nightly version works fine, without "floating point error", then here is nothing to do - bug was somehow fixed.

Incorrect time is an another issue and you should open a new one ticket.

dzwager (reporter)
23-10-2017 12:38

Sorry for late reply. Yes I will report the time issue as a separate ticket. Thanks for your assistance.

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User List Anonymous (9220x), vdemidov (20x), zed (23x), dzwager (25x), AlexWhiter (2x), bk99 (2x), Garl (4x), rass (1x), ingener (1x), Alexander (1x)
Total Views 9299
Last View 31-03-2025 22:16

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
19-09-2017 07:01 dzwager New Issue
19-09-2017 07:15 vdemidov Note Added: 0018049
19-09-2017 07:15 vdemidov Status new => feedback
21-09-2017 08:27 dzwager Note Added: 0018051
21-09-2017 08:27 dzwager Status feedback => new
21-09-2017 10:41 vdemidov Note Added: 0018052
21-09-2017 10:41 vdemidov Status new => feedback
21-09-2017 13:23 dzwager Note Added: 0018053
21-09-2017 13:23 dzwager Status feedback => new
21-09-2017 13:34 vdemidov Priority immediate => low
21-09-2017 13:35 vdemidov Status new => feedback
15-10-2017 06:46 dzwager Note Added: 0018081
15-10-2017 06:46 dzwager Status feedback => new
15-10-2017 10:01 zed Note Added: 0018082
15-10-2017 10:02 zed Status new => feedback
15-10-2017 11:09 dzwager File Added: SASPlanet.NonUnicode.Debug.elf
15-10-2017 11:11 dzwager Note Added: 0018083
15-10-2017 11:11 dzwager Status feedback => new
15-10-2017 11:11 dzwager File Added: GpsInfo.ini
15-10-2017 11:25 dzwager File Added: floating point error.png
15-10-2017 11:26 dzwager Note Added: 0018084
15-10-2017 11:37 zed Note Added: 0018085
15-10-2017 11:49 dzwager Note Added: 0018086
15-10-2017 11:52 zed Note Added: 0018087
15-10-2017 11:52 zed Note Edited: 0018087 View Revisions
15-10-2017 12:22 dzwager File Added: SASPlanet.3276.elf
15-10-2017 12:23 dzwager Note Added: 0018088
15-10-2017 12:34 zed Note Added: 0018089
17-10-2017 12:04 dzwager Note Added: 0018097
17-10-2017 19:27 zed Note Added: 0018098
17-10-2017 19:32 zed Note Edited: 0018098 View Revisions
23-10-2017 12:38 dzwager Note Added: 0018106
23-10-2017 20:06 zed Status new => closed
23-10-2017 20:06 zed Assigned To => zed
23-10-2017 20:06 zed Resolution open => unable to reproduce

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