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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003704SAS.Планета[All Projects] Багpublic28-08-2020 11:3228-08-2020 13:14
Assigned Tozed 
StatusclosedResolutionno change required 
PlatformWindowsOSWindowsOS Version10
Product Version200606 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0003704: Blur occurring in images at higher zoom level
DescriptionI am downloading the google satellite images at a higher zoom level but when visualising them, there is a significant amount of blur in them. I have downloaded images at zoom levels from 19 to 24. The image at zoom level 24 contains only No data. Please redress.
Steps To ReproduceThe image is generated using no compression selecting GEOTIFF format.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files? file icon z19.tif [^] (4,130,883 bytes) 28-08-2020 11:32

- Relationships

-  Notes
zed (manager)
28-08-2020 13:13
edited on: 28-08-2020 13:14

1. There is not all places on the Earth covered with high-resolution images. For your area z19 is the maximum. Everything above is just a stretched picture.

2. Usually Google bans you if you try to download too many tiles (more than a few thousand) at once from their servers. In this case, you need to wait a day or two until the ban is removed and restart downloading.

In any case, this is not a bug of SAS.

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User List Anonymous (1231x), kalakotkas (1x), vdemidov (1x), shubham91 (1x), zed (5x)
Total Views 1239
Last View 31-03-2025 22:02

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
28-08-2020 11:32 shubham91 New Issue
28-08-2020 11:32 shubham91 File Added: z19.tif
28-08-2020 13:13 zed Note Added: 0019955
28-08-2020 13:13 zed Status new => closed
28-08-2020 13:13 zed Assigned To => zed
28-08-2020 13:13 zed Resolution open => no change required
28-08-2020 13:14 zed Note Edited: 0019955 View Revisions

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