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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003730SAS.ПланетаРефакторингpublic22-12-2020 12:2223-12-2020 08:22
Assigned Tozed 
StatusclosedResolutionno change required 
PlatformWindowsOS7OS VersionHome Basic
Product Version201212 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0003730: SAS,Need to perfect the direction
DescriptionAs you can see. SAS, when downloading maps, downloading polygons, and exporting by stitching, open ALPHA and pass, there will be obvious jagged shapes around. It's worse. In fact, it is better to just have a rectangle.
Steps To Reproduce1. Choose any triangle. Then download the image
2. Select Mosaic and open the ALPHA channel. Present the picture.
3. Look
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filesjpg file icon 1.jpg [^] (143,986 bytes) 22-12-2020 12:22

jpg file icon Image_1.jpg [^] (307,039 bytes) 23-12-2020 08:11
jpg file icon Image_2.jpg [^] (139,434 bytes) 23-12-2020 08:11

- Relationships
has duplicate 0003729closedzed SAS,Need to perfect the direction 

-  Notes
zed (manager)
22-12-2020 15:48

Your screenshot is OK - JPEG doesn't support transparency (alpha channel).

Describe in detail what you expect from SAS?
mrjack (reporter)
23-12-2020 07:59

Not in JPG format, the original image is in tif format. gloabmaper has a function. According to the primitive boundary. Such as kml. It is a triangular shape. You can crop a rectangular image into a triangle. Image downloaded by SAS. Level polygon frame selection. The downloaded images, stitched together, are not polygons, but opposite sex. All around are the tile shapes of gears. Looks worse
mrjack (reporter)
23-12-2020 08:05

Just like the picture above, the frame itself is selected as a triangle, and it is weird to splice it out by contact. If you download according to city boundaries. That's worse. Only call up other software for cutting. kind of hard. Secondly, there is another suggestion. Why download the image? First download the image tile, then download the overlay. Then stitch together, and finally cut it on other software. Very troublesome, like going back to the bedroom and needing a key. After opening it, I found that there were 3 doors behind. GOD. In fact, why can't you choose to download the tiles and overlays together when you download the tiles. Then automatically stitch and export pictures. In other words, SAS script can do it?
mrjack (reporter)
23-12-2020 08:11

Sorry, SAS is a free software that is already very good. Just a small suggestion. Thank you
zed (manager)
23-12-2020 08:21

I attached 2 screenshots: first from SAS, second from GlobalMapper. This is how SAS works - it can stitch tiles, but you will get transparent holes if some tiles missed (if imagery format support transparency). So, to avoid this holes you must download all tiles with rectangle selection.

> In other words, SAS script can do it?
No. And this will not changed in the future.

- Users who viewed this issue
User List Anonymous (1120x), mrjack (9x), vdemidov (6x), zed (10x), ingener (2x), rass (1x)
Total Views 1148
Last View 31-03-2025 22:01

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
22-12-2020 12:22 mrjack New Issue
22-12-2020 12:22 mrjack File Added: 1.jpg
22-12-2020 15:40 zed Relationship added has duplicate 0003729
22-12-2020 15:48 zed Note Added: 0020028
22-12-2020 18:48 vdemidov Status new => feedback
23-12-2020 07:59 mrjack Note Added: 0020029
23-12-2020 07:59 mrjack Status feedback => new
23-12-2020 08:05 mrjack Note Added: 0020030
23-12-2020 08:11 zed File Added: Image_1.jpg
23-12-2020 08:11 zed File Added: Image_2.jpg
23-12-2020 08:11 mrjack Note Added: 0020031
23-12-2020 08:21 zed Note Added: 0020032
23-12-2020 08:22 zed Status new => closed
23-12-2020 08:22 zed Assigned To => zed
23-12-2020 08:22 zed Resolution open => no change required

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