программа для загрузки и просмотра спутниковых снимков Земли, Луны, Марса предоставленных сервисами Google Maps и Космоснимки. Возможность работы с GPS приёмником.
Thank you for your reply the url :"http://t4.tianditu.cn/DataServer?T=img_w&X=219871&Y=96539&L=18 "is no problem ,but is has watermark and the url :“http://t2.tianditu.cn/img_c/wmts?SERVICE=WMTS&REQUEST=GetTile&VERSION=1.0.0&LAYER=img&STYLE=default&TILEMATRIXSET=c&TILEMATRIX=16&TILEROW=9149&TILECOL=53936&FORMAT=tiles” with no watermark Can you make a zmp use the second url with no watermark Thanks again for your reply,Best wishes
More places didn‘t have any watermark when lv=16 or 17 layer, I know is very difficult because It didn’t success 3 years ago but Three years later I hope someting maybe changed