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How To Remove Russian Road/Place Names?

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Модератор: Tolik

How To Remove Russian Road/Place Names?

Сообщение abrogard » 27 окт 2019, 09:47

I am using google maps of Australia and I can't seem to get rid of the Russian road and place names. There's English, too. They have both languages.

But I would like to be able to just have an English one or a Russian one, as I choose.

And I would like to make a couple of good maps of the local dirt roads but I don't seem to be able to find one.

There are no other sources for maps we can look for and maybe import into sasplanet? I am thinking the ordnance survey (as it used to be called) or the government 1" to a mile maps we used to have would be good. They are topographic with contour lines.

I have here an excellent 1:50,000 walking trail map of the Lavender Federation Trail here in South Australia. It says the base topographic mapping was supplied by the Department for Environment and Heritage. It seems to me to be exactly the kind of map we used to have years ago that I was just talking about.

That is the kind of map I would like to get on Sasplanet. Especially of here, locally, where I walk around but also of any place in the world.

Can that be done at all?

Stuff like this is what I want if I can get it:
Последний раз редактировалось abrogard 02 ноя 2019, 10:46, всего редактировалось 2 раз(а).
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Re: How To Remove Russian Road/Place Names?

Сообщение Tolik » 27 окт 2019, 09:53

For Google Maps:
Settings - Map settings - Base part of URL - change hl=ru to hl=en.
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Re: How To Remove Russian Road/Place Names?

Сообщение QuickBird » 30 окт 2019, 08:58

all the relevant here
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Re: How To Remove Russian Road/Place Names?

Сообщение abrogard » 31 окт 2019, 03:26

QuickBird писал(а):all the relevant here

I put them in the maps folder and got complaints about files having the same guid or something.

tried making their own folder for them... same thing...

what should I have done?
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Зарегистрирован: 09 май 2018, 09:28
Откуда: South Australia
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Re: How To Remove Russian Road/Place Names?

Сообщение QuickBird » 02 ноя 2019, 09:31

Hello abrogard, you need to DELETE THE OLD ZMP FOLDERS, the ones with russian queries (ru) at the URL

Delete theolder zmp folder or drag and drop merging and replacing files.
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