Давно использую Андрозик, github.com/andreynovikov/Androzic для навигации в полях- обычно делаю карту в САС планете с кадастром, но там есть прекрасный файл providers.dat
в который можно дописать строчку типа:
- Код: Выделить всё
Cadastre Map,osm,0,18,22000,http://{$s}.tile.rosreestr.org/{$z}/{$x}/{$y}.png,a,b,c`
и карты отобразятся на телефоне.
Может быть кто нибудь в курсе, как написать такую строчку для кадастровых карт росреестра или любых, с границами кадастровых участков? Ну или обьяснить что мне почитать для того, чтобы сделать.
Ниже реадми по синтаксису.
How to add custom online maps to Androzic and OziMapper
> This article is applicable both for Androzic and OziMapper. Enabling custom online maps
Custom online maps can be added through special text file. The file has to be named `providers.dat` and be placed in the Application folder (configured in Settings).
File format
`providers.dat` is a text file, each line describes single provider. Each provider is described by a set of fields separated by commas. All fields are required, order is strict, no space allowed. If field is undefined for specific provider it must be empty.
*List and order of fields:*
# title - map title
# code - unique code, only letters and digits allowed, is used as a tile cache directory name
# minzoom - minimum zoom, allowed by map
# maxzoom - maximum zoom, allowed by map
# tilesize - avarage tile size in bytes, can be left empty for default
# url - tile provider url containing special placeholders (see bellow)
# server1 - server substring, can be empty if not applicable
# server2 - server substring, can be empty if not applicable
# server3 - server substring, can be empty if not applicable
# server4 - server substring, can be empty if not applicable
# params - extra parameters: yinverse - inverse Y tile number, ellipsoid - use ellipsoid Mercator projection (default is spherical)
*URL placeholders:*
* {$s} - server substring (cycles through variants)
* {$l} - locale
* {$z} - zoom
* {$x} - X tile number
* {$y} - Y tile number
* {$q} - quad tree
* {comma} - replaced by comma, should be used if url contains comma
Fully functional example file can be found in [Downloads](../../downloads.html) section. Following examples are already included in application:
OpenStreetMap Mapnik,osm,0,18,22000,http://{$s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{$z}/{$x}/{$y}.png,a,b,c`
Charts VFR (US),aeromaps,5,12,,http://www.aeromaps.us/Z{$z}/{$y}/{$x}.png`
Chartbundle US Area Charts,cbenra,4,13,,http://wms.chartbundle.com/tms/1.0.0/enra/{$z}/{$x}/{$y}.png,,,,,yinverse`