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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002766SAS.Планета[All Projects] Хотелкаpublic19-07-2015 19:5415-05-2016 17:59
Assigned Tovdemidov 
StatusclosedResolutionwon't fix 
PlatformWindowsOS7OS VersionUltimate
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002766: Geotag photos implementation in SASplanet
DescriptionGeotag photos in SASplanet
SAS currently can import JPG with GPS exif. Why can not straight geotag?

Geotag the photos to Panoramio I use GeoSetter (its development has ended 2011)

SASPlanet has a larger selection of maps and quality
Geosetter has only one and each time the map is loading from the Internet

-it would be enough to be able to assign GPS coordinates of a photo using the GPX tracks
-jpg with exif gps appear in SAS and further editing positions
For example to manually change the assigned position when the 20 photos in one place

You can take inspiration from GeoSetter.
It was such a proposal to expand program options.
If it is difficult to implement GEOTAG to SASplanet so happy to see this function in the program
Attached Files

- Relationships
related to 0003024confirmed Импорт и гео-тегирование Jpeg 

-  Notes
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User List Anonymous (1733x), Tolik (1x), MontoyaSat (3x), Yujnyj (1x), vdemidov (8x), bk99 (1x), Garl (2x), zed (5x), GunSmoker (4x), vasketsov (3x), Papazol (1x)
Total Views 1762
Last View 31-03-2025 21:49

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
19-07-2015 19:54 MontoyaSat New Issue
21-07-2015 09:51 vdemidov Status new => resolved
21-07-2015 09:51 vdemidov Resolution open => won't fix
21-07-2015 09:51 vdemidov Assigned To => vdemidov
21-07-2015 09:51 vdemidov Status resolved => closed
15-05-2016 17:53 zed Relationship added related to 0003024
15-05-2016 17:59 zed Tag Attached: exif

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