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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002922SAS.Планета[All Projects] Багpublic04-12-2015 14:3404-12-2015 14:54
Assigned Tovdemidov 
StatusclosedResolutionnot fixable 
PlatformWindowsOS8.1OS Versionx64
Product Version151111 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002922: Exporting Polygon in GPX format is not correct
DescriptionOn SasPlanet if I create a polygon and export it as an KML file it has all the coordinates of the polygon in the LinearRing. But if I export it as a GPX file it only has the bounds in the metadata for the maxlat/maxlon and the minlat/minlon, the coordinates of all the points of the polygon are not there.
Steps To ReproduceAdd Polygon and export it as a GPX
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files? file icon Polygon 10.gpx [^] (1,281 bytes) 04-12-2015 14:34

- Relationships

-  Notes
vdemidov (manager)
04-12-2015 14:54

There is no way to store polygon in GPX format. GPX supports only points and tracks.

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User List Anonymous (2151x), Garl (1x), phiggins (5x), zed (1x), vdemidov (3x)
Total Views 2161
Last View 31-03-2025 21:47

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
04-12-2015 14:34 phiggins New Issue
04-12-2015 14:34 phiggins File Added: Polygon 10.gpx
04-12-2015 14:54 vdemidov Note Added: 0016877
04-12-2015 14:54 vdemidov Status new => resolved
04-12-2015 14:54 vdemidov Resolution open => not fixable
04-12-2015 14:54 vdemidov Assigned To => vdemidov
04-12-2015 14:54 vdemidov Status resolved => closed

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