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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003037SAS.Планета[All Projects] Хотелкаpublic26-05-2016 17:3326-05-2016 18:08
Assigned Tovdemidov 
StatusclosedResolutionnot fixable 
PlatformWindowsOSVistaOS VersionHome Basic
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0003037: Creating a map from selected region into user´s folder - improvement
DescriptionAs you already closed the topic Copying selected region to a folder even in fact not solved I added this Improvement topic.

The topic was about the task to create a map to a folder from selected region of the selected setup by selecting Copy the selection from the Operations menu.
You are funny guys - you offered the solution to rename the window :) and to use download instead..

So the solution stays untouched - misunderstand is solved but the problem remains :)
So now the solution of creating the map from the user´s setup is yet:
To select a region, select "Download" then set the Map source layer/overlay, set all the zoom levels you like and download first layer of the selected region of your setup of the map you like to copy.
Then after download finished return back to Operation menu and select "Last selection" then select download again, then set the Map source layer/overlay, set all the zoom levels again and download the second layer of the selected region of your setup of the map you like to copy again, this you need to make as much times as much layers you have in your setup. So - if you have e.g. 4 layers you need to set up all the necessary thing for all the layers you have again 4 times. At last (for the five time) you need to go to Operation menu again, select Last region and now select Copy and set up the whole window - all the options - select main map to copy, "all visible layers" (God thanks for this option) then choose your final folder and all the rest settings and now press Start and the map is then created well in the folder you selected - the region is copied, map is created, task is complete..

I offer you better solution:
As the application works only with cache: download to cache, copy from cache, generate cache, show info about cache and so on, and will not copy anything if you don´t have all the necessary tiles in cache (and you don´t know if all necessary tiles is already in cache as it is not written anywhere - and even if it was - it will not successfully solve the user task) it may display you a message window saying something like "Warning: Not all tiles are in caches, do you want to copy just the cached tiles or to download missing tiles first into cache then copy into selected folder? With options: Download missing tiles and copy/Copy only cached tiles(which I can not imagine what this could be good for..)/Cancel". So the user will choose "Download and copy" and this will in fact solve the task of the user just by one click - the selected region would be then downloaded into cache and then well copied into user´s selected folder. I see this as the best solution as this don´t need anything else from the user.

The second solution - which is not as smart - would be to tell user: "Warning: Not all tiles are already in cache. Use Download to download selected region tiles into cache first before copying. With just "OK" option button." So - nothing will be copied - I don´t know why to copy not finished (incomplete) maps.. Then in Download window should be added the same options as in the Copy window - to add all visible layers - so the whole setup of the map will need to be downloaded first manually by user before copying into different location. After downloading into cache is complete, user will choose again menu Operations - Last selection and will finally choose "Copy" - the selection is then copied, task is complete..

I think the most important is to make the task as simple as possible for users - this may improve the application. That simple solution by renaming a window will not solve anything..
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- Relationships
related to 0003036closedvdemidov Copying selected region to a folder 

-  Notes
vdemidov (manager)
26-05-2016 17:48

Your solution can't be implemented. It's impossible.

This program for someone who understand what he do and why. Other simple users should use browser with

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- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
26-05-2016 17:33 ElfKaa New Issue
26-05-2016 17:48 vdemidov Note Added: 0017252
26-05-2016 17:48 vdemidov Status new => resolved
26-05-2016 17:48 vdemidov Resolution open => not fixable
26-05-2016 17:48 vdemidov Assigned To => vdemidov
26-05-2016 17:48 vdemidov Status resolved => closed
26-05-2016 18:08 zed Relationship added related to 0003036

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