Веб-картография и навигация

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003257SAS.Планета[All Projects] Хотелкаpublic06-07-2017 11:0311-07-2017 16:36
Assigned Tozed 
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version160707 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0003257: Import custom prj coordinate system
TagsNo tags attached.
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- Relationships
duplicate of 0002932new Сделать универсальную поддержку различных систем координат 
related to 0002576resolvedzed Add support for MGRS coordinates 

-  Notes
zed (manager)
11-07-2017 07:15

Can you explain with more details what do you mean?
ramadnio (reporter)
11-07-2017 09:41

u can make a custom coordinate system by other GIS software's like ArcMap for ex.

the purpose is :

make a Specific coordinate for a geo. area with a few numbers of coordinates

there is some app import custom CS like AlpineQuest on Android

u can search on google about this

generally i wish to add ather location formats for SAS.P

and i remind you that I sent some suggestions in wishlist to develop the program

i hope you look at it

zed (manager)
11-07-2017 14:11

Now we support 3 CS (Options - View - Coordinates type):
- WGS84
- S-42
- Gauss-Kruger

and as I understand, you are looking for some new CS? Which one?
ramadnio (reporter)
11-07-2017 16:34

MGRS is good one

and if u add ability to read custom coordinate...

- Users who viewed this issue
User List Anonymous (2365x), ramadnio (13x), bk99 (2x), zed (13x), vdemidov (2x)
Total Views 2395
Last View 03-12-2024 17:26

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
06-07-2017 11:03 ramadnio New Issue
11-07-2017 07:15 zed Note Added: 0018017
11-07-2017 07:15 zed Product Version .Nightly => 160707
11-07-2017 07:15 zed Summary import custom prj coordinate system => Import custom prj coordinate system
11-07-2017 07:16 zed Status new => feedback
11-07-2017 09:41 ramadnio Note Added: 0018018
11-07-2017 09:41 ramadnio Status feedback => new
11-07-2017 14:11 zed Note Added: 0018019
11-07-2017 14:12 zed Relationship added related to 0002932
11-07-2017 14:14 zed Relationship added related to 0002576
11-07-2017 16:34 ramadnio Note Added: 0018020
11-07-2017 16:35 zed Relationship replaced duplicate of 0002932
11-07-2017 16:36 zed Status new => closed
11-07-2017 16:36 zed Assigned To => zed
11-07-2017 16:36 zed Resolution open => duplicate

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