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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003291SAS.Планета[All Projects] Багpublic23-10-2017 11:4423-10-2017 20:05
Assigned Tozed 
PlatformWindowsOS7OS Version7 Pro 64
Product Version160707 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0003291: Locking up
DescriptionI have down loaded your program since I have started to develop maps for Lowrance GPS. I had a computer hard drive crash in 2016. Installed new hard drive and loaded the new hard drive with all operating programs including SAS Plant.
Since I have done the hard drive replacement All versions of SAS Plant have the same problem. When I zoom in to zoom level 9 it works. Once I try to go to anything above zoom level 9 The program locks up and does not work. It says it is not responding. I have to close program. I have looked at all settings in the settings menu and I can not find anything obvious. Please advise me on what to do to make this program work. Note: Before the hard drive crash your program worked with no problems. I really enjoy using it and look forward to using it again. Thanks
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Attached Filestxt file icon CommitsLog.txt [^] (2,143,771 bytes) 23-10-2017 19:56

- Relationships
duplicate of 0003158resolvedvdemidov Зависание при изменении масштаба с 9 на 10 или с 10 на 9 при разрешении 3840х2160 

-  Notes
zed (manager)
23-10-2017 15:09

Try latest nightly build. A very similar bug has already been fixed: 0003158

If you found that bug is still exists in nightly build, then run SASPlanet.NonUnicode.Debug.exe, reproduce a bug, wait 60 seconds until you see error message about application freezing, close SAS, find log file SASPlanet.NonUnicode.Debug.elf in SASPlanet folder and attach this log here.
Cajun520 (reporter)
23-10-2017 19:58

I hope this helps
Cajun520 (reporter)
23-10-2017 20:00

The program does work in the latest build, however it does not have the same map list as the sable program

- Users who viewed this issue
User List Anonymous (2274x), Cajun520 (10x), zed (8x), vdemidov (3x)
Total Views 2295
Last View 31-03-2025 21:51

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
23-10-2017 11:44 Cajun520 New Issue
23-10-2017 14:44 vdemidov Category Рефакторинг => Баг
23-10-2017 15:09 zed Note Added: 0018107
23-10-2017 15:10 zed Status new => feedback
23-10-2017 19:56 Cajun520 File Added: CommitsLog.txt
23-10-2017 19:58 Cajun520 Note Added: 0018108
23-10-2017 19:58 Cajun520 Status feedback => new
23-10-2017 20:00 Cajun520 Note Added: 0018109
23-10-2017 20:05 zed Relationship added duplicate of 0003158
23-10-2017 20:05 zed Status new => closed
23-10-2017 20:05 zed Assigned To => zed
23-10-2017 20:05 zed Resolution open => duplicate

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