Веб-картография и навигация

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003910SAS.Планета[All Projects] Хотелкаpublic20-03-2025 20:0123-03-2025 08:23
Assigned Tozed 
PrioritynormalSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
StatusclosedResolutionno change required 
PlatformWindowsOS7OS VersionUltimate
Product Version.Nightly 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0003910: modification of KML import
DescriptionCorrect KML file code dukla.kml

I need to correctly assign coordinates even if syntax is


TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files? file icon dukla.kml [^] (584 bytes) 20-03-2025 20:01
png file icon 1.png [^] (63,745 bytes) 21-03-2025 17:30

- Relationships

-  Notes
zed (manager)
21-03-2025 17:32

I have no problem importing your kml file. Maybe you are using an outdated version of SAS?
MontoyaSat (reporter)
23-03-2025 06:04


KML correct coordinates

I need this coordinates

If it doesn't work.
There is another type of file that has such a simple code where you could put on 49.41694166,21.69508611 using CTRL+V

what syntax they have CSV, JSON ?
zed (manager)
23-03-2025 08:16

In the KML standard, coordinates must be specified in the following order: longitude, latitude, and altitude. The same applies to the GeoJSON format.

If you need a different order, you can use the CSV format, where you can define the fields by name in the header (first line). For example:

49.41694166,21.69508611,Mark name

The available fields for the CSV format are described here.

- Users who viewed this issue
User List Anonymous (54x), MontoyaSat (6x), zed (10x), ingener (1x), caddis (3x)
Total Views 74
Last View 26-03-2025 09:54

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
20-03-2025 20:01 MontoyaSat New Issue
20-03-2025 20:01 MontoyaSat File Added: dukla.kml
21-03-2025 17:30 zed File Added: 1.png
21-03-2025 17:32 zed Note Added: 0020531
21-03-2025 17:32 zed Assigned To => zed
21-03-2025 17:32 zed Status new => feedback
23-03-2025 06:04 MontoyaSat Note Added: 0020532
23-03-2025 06:04 MontoyaSat Status feedback => assigned
23-03-2025 08:16 zed Note Added: 0020533
23-03-2025 08:23 zed Status assigned => closed
23-03-2025 08:23 zed Resolution open => no change required

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